Post date: Nov 20, 2009 12:54:41 AM

November 19, 2009

Hello There CHS Class of '79,

With the possible exception of a hopefully fantastic post-reunion report, this will be the final edition of the newsletter. All who helped with organizing the reunion, locating classmates, gathering information and funneling it to me, and everything else you did to make my job easier and the reunion a success, please accept my sincere and heartfelt thanks. I barely knew one or two of you when this all started three or so months ago, and now many of you seem like old friends to me ... and what a great bunch you all are!

Ellana and I will be leaving for a much needed vacation shortly after this edition hits the air today. It has been over a year since either of us has seen family in Savannah and Hardin County. At this point we plan to make stops in suburban Atlanta, in Chattanooga, and in a small, rustic, rural town in a valley on the Cumberland Plateau east of Nashville as we wend our way toward Savannah. Since we always try to allow enough time for a bit of adventure, I don't know what else we might get into on the way, but we plan to arrive in Savannah early next week, see friends and family for a few days, celebrate Thanksgiving with our combined families, then gather with a tremendous group of people at the Broken Spoke on the 28th to celebrate the 30th anniversary of one of the most significant milestones in any American teenager's life! We expect to be thoroughly worn out after these glorious few days, but to have memories that will last the rest of our lives. It will definitely all have been worth it!


What: Savannah Central High School Class of 1979 30th Class Reunion

Date: Saturday, November 28, 2009

Time: 5:00 PM 'til ... well, as long as we can keep going!

Where: The Broken Spoke, 7405 Hwy 57, Counce, TN 38326

Cost: $15.00/person – covers food, name tags, press releases, mailings, etc.


BBQ Pork Ribs, Buffalo Chicken Wings, Catfish Nuggets

Homemade Salsa & Chips, Fried Dill Pickles

Pasta Salad, Apple Nut Green Salad, Two Bean Salad

Cookie Dough Truffles, Creamy Lemon Squares

Hot Spiced Cider, Southern Sweet Tea, Coffee

Adult Beverages: Cash Bar Available

Dress: Casual – remember, you'll be at Pickwick! There is no set theme, but

wear that letterman's jacket, cheerleading outfit, band shako, class pin

or class-ring-on-a-chain or anything else from your high school days;

I think even cowboy boots and hats will be acceptable!

Entertainment: The Spoke's house band playing 70's music

Registration Deadline: The mail-in deadline has passed, but you can still print off and fill out

the attached Registration Form and drop it off along with your check

made payable to CHS Class of 1979 at David Long's office at

30 Fairground St. in Savannah through close of business on the 25th.

More Information: Go to Facebook and Search: 'Savannah Central High Class of 79'

E-mail, or call David at 865.804.2697

Go to John Lay's website:

David and John will respond until they depart for Savannah.

There have been some attendance number changes since the last issue: 152 people have indicated that they plan to attend the reunion, and we have received Registration Forms and checks for 109. If you know that you are going to attend, drop your checks and forms off to Celina at David Long's office at the earliest possible moment – make that immediately! Diana and Jay need to know how many are coming so they can order and prepare enough of that amazing food for all of us! You did see the menu, didn't you?!

Diana has also made a request to the class for assistance in decorating the food tables. If any class member has any memorabilia from your high school days, such as a trophy or plaque or other award, jacket or sweater (football, basketball, baseball, band, FFA, etc.), Baccalaureate or Graduation Program, Football Game Program, newspaper clipping, framed picture or anything else you might think of, she would love to borrow those to decorate the food service tables, and she and Jay promise that extra care will be given your valuable keepsakes. Please contact Diana at the Broken Spoke if you would like to participate with decorations. I know it would mean a lot to her and to the class as well.

We have received no new contact information since the last issue, so there are still 26 classmates we have been unable to locate. Considering there were 212 who graduated 30 years ago, this in itself is amazing! However, you have already shown that you can work miracles, so why should we expect any less of you now?! Please respond to any committee member or any other classmate who can forward the information to us if you have any information on any of the following classmates:

Rosemary Aldersaebaes Lisa Jackson Tommy Price

Tony Bridges Teresa Jerrolds Regina Pridmore

Bill Castello Ricky Keele Renee Pridmore

Sharon Cherry Brenda Lowrey Steve Stricklin

Johnny Cox Jeanette McCasland Terry Warren

Anne Davis Steve McCasland Jana West Parker

Judy Franks Bruce Oakley Alisa Wilkerson Deshazier

Vicki Franks Gray Johnny Oakley Gayle Witherspoon

Ronnie Hill Larry Partain

Mr. and Mrs. Mills plan to join us for the evening, and we would like to notify all teachers who might enjoy this gathering. Those who might be in contact with any of them, please issue them invitations to attend and let us know the results. It will cost them nothing to attend - all teachers and sponsors will be our complimentary guests. We know of several already who have said they would enjoy attending ... let's please see that they all get invitations if possible.

It is now definite that there will be a few tickets available at the door for those who find out at the last minute that they will be able to attend. However, if you have already told us that you are attending, please do not plan to avail yourselves of these tickets. We need your forms and checks in advance so we can properly plan space, food, etc. Again, please help us make this reunion the success we know it will be by taking your registrations to David Long's office now. We need them just like we need you!

As we told you in the last issue, several folks will be wandering through the crowd taking photographs and making conversation, and there may even be a station set up so you can leave us with a video message. All of this will be material for a Keepsake CD of the reunion which you can order for a very nominal price at the reunion ... and I mean very nominal – simply the cost of the disc and postage. How much can that be ... maybe $3.00 - $4.00 tops?!

Again, we are all looking forward to a great gathering and a grand time. Please join us ... get your registrations in now and don't leave yourself open to regret for missing this 30th Class Reunion!


My thanks again to you all for including me!
